
Please Slow Down In Neighborhoods with Children

Please slow down while driving in neighborhoods where children are located and may be playing.  Fines can result from not adhering to these laws and regulations.  Please be respectful of your neighborhood and allow those who live and play in West Mead Township to do so safely especially during the upcoming summer season!  We want … Continued

Burning Ordinance Updated 9-13-2016

The updated Burning Ordinance document can be seen here.  The original Burning Ordinance has been in place since 2001 and was updated to include some restrictions on leaf burning earlier in 2016.  The Board of Supervisors considered adoption of the updated Burning Ordinance on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 during the Supervisors Regular Monthly Meeting and … Continued

Oakwood Park Blog

Check out the historical background of Oakwood Park (now called Oakgrove Park) that was recently posted here on the Crawford County PA History Blogspot.  You can also locate this and many other fascinating blogs from Ron Mattocks on facebook or on their website at the Crawford County Historical Society.        

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