Zoning and Building

To obtain zoning and building permits or if you are looking for specific regulations please contact Zoning Officer Jill Dunlap at westmead@westmead.org or 814-336-1271.

We are in the process of updating all our building permit forms and applications at this time so please contact us prior to any construction or demolition.
To schedule building permit inspections or for code compliance questions please contact Middle Department Inspection Agency (MDIA) Inspectors Pat Duffy or Tim Palaski at 800-828-6342.
To view parcel information for properties located in West Mead click on the GIS website from Crawford County at www.crawfordcountypa.net
This information is provided as a tool only and you should contact the Township for final determinations or to verify all the information.

Zoning and/or building permits are required for most construction projects in West Mead Township.

View the documents page for some of the most commonly requested regulations governing West Mead Township for Zoning and Building Permits.  The applications can be printed, completed and mailed or dropped off at the Township building or emailed directly to westmead@westmead.org
Plans for commercial and multi-family projects can now be submitted electronically for plan review and approval. 
Pennsylvania Building Code information is available on the state website at:http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/uniform_construction_code/
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