Archives: FAQs

Where do I vote?

West Mead Township has two voting locations.  Voters living south of Route 27, vote at the Township building at 1150 Morgan Village Road, Meadville, PA 16335.  Voters living north of Route 27, vote at the New Beginnings Church of God at 13226 Leslie Road, Meadville, PA 16335.

How do I register to vote?

Contact the Crawford County Voter Services Office located at the Crawford County Courthouse, 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7307 or online at

Do I need a permit to have an outdoor fire?

There is no permit needed to have an outdoor camp fire or to burn certain permitted items as identified in the Burning Ordinance available below.  Items that cannot be burned are things such as recyclables, household garbage   Ordinance No. 2016-1 Regulate and Restrict Outdoor Fires

How do I obtain a building permit?

Contact Zoning Officer Jill Dunlap at 814-336-1271 or  We are currently in the process of updating our building permits forms and applications at this time so please contact us. You can also look under documents on the website for the permit application and checklists listing the details of what is to be submitted under … Continued

How do I register my vehicle?

Contact Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Driver License Center of Meadville at 16942 Patricia Drive, Meadville, PA 16335 or on their website at

How do I get my pet licensed?

Only dogs are required to be licensed in the Township. Contact the Treasurers Office at the Crawford County Courthouse at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-7332 or at,824473&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

What can I do with grass clippings, sticks or tree limb debris?

We currently do not have anywhere that is available for residents to get rid of tree debris, grass clippings or items of this nature. You can try contacting Powell Sanitation at 814-333-3191 or Meadville Redi Mix at 814-724-1600 as they may accept these items or know of somewhere else that may. Please do not haul … Continued

How do I find the most recent Act 44 Pension Disclosure Forms?

Chapter 7A of PA Legislative Act 44 of 2009 mandates the annual disclosure of certain information by every entity which is a party to a professional services contract with the pension funds of West Mead Township.  You can located the most recent forms here.

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