Archives: FAQs

How do I pay my real estate property taxes?

Annual Township, County and School Real Estate Property Tax payments can be made directly to Real Estate Tax Collector Janet Peters at 20430 Cochranton Road, Meadville, PA 16335 or by calling 814-333-8898 or by email to Click Here to Pay Your Property Taxes Online

How do I pay my local taxes?

Annual Local Personal Income Tax payments can be made directly to Berkheimer Incorporated on April 15th of each year at  

How do I pay my federal and state income taxes?

Annual Federal Tax payments can be made directly to the Internal Revenue Service on April 15th of each year at Annual Pennsylvania State Tax payments can be made directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue on April 15th of each year at

What benefits does the Township offer?

West Mead Township offers various benefits for employment based on the department depending on full time or part time status as well as coverages under union contracts.  For additional information contact the Township Secretary at 814-336-1271 or by email at

How do I pay my water bill?

Contact the Meadville Area Water Authority (MAWA) at 814-333-3336.  Residents with public water service are billed on a monthly basis. Some areas of the Township are provided water by private water systems as explained below. For residents who live in Autumn Hills subdivision, contact the Autumn Hills Water Company at For residents who live in … Continued

How do I pay my sewage bill?

Contact the Meadville Area Water Authority (MAWA) at 814-333-3336.  MAWA is responsible for collecting all public water and sewer bills.  Some residents are billed monthly when they have both water and sewer and charges are based on actual usage.  Residents who have only public sewer are billed quarterly and at a flat rate.

How do I get a marriage license?

Contact the Crawford County Clerk of Courts at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville,  PA 16335 or 814-333-7442 or complete the online application at,814520&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL  

What are my tenant rights?

Although West Mead Township does not get in the middle of landlord and tenant issues, you can contact the West Mead Township Zoning Officer at 1150 Morgan Village Road, Meadville, PA 16335 or 814-336-1271 or at for options to possibly obtain additional information.

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