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The Board of Supervisors of West Mead Township adopted a Solar Amendment Ordinance at the Public Meeting on December  10, 2024.  A copy of the adopted zoning amendment is available by clicking here.  If you have any questions, please contact Jill Dunlap at the Township Office at 814-336-1271.  

Graph for Where Tax Dollar Goes 12-18-24 . Graph on page 1 shows the amount of Real Estate Taxes and the dollar amount that is divided up between the Township, Crawford County and the Crawford Central School District for a resident with an average assessed value of their home and property valued at $29,729.38.  Graph...

Best Management Practices Information for those residents who have private water wells in West Mead Township. Additional information can also be found at the PA DEP website or by calling the West Mead Township Zoning Officer at 814-336-1271.

This is to provide you with notice that the Board of Supervisors of West Mead Township will be further discussing and considering for adoption a Speed Limit Ordinance at the Public Meeting on December  10, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the West Mead Township building .  A copy of the proposed final version is...

Please do not put GRASS, GRASS CLIPPINGS, SNOW, ICE, LEAVES, or any type of debris in the Township roadway.  State and municipal law require citizens to use and maintain their property in ways that avoid creating hazardous road conditions for others.  This includes not obstructing highway lanes and drainage facilities with debris including grass, grass...

Any requests for information or records must use the form below to submit a request to the Open Records Officer for West Mead Township.  The form can be submitted by fax to 814-336-1271 or by mailing to 1150 Morgan Village Road, Meadville, PA 16335 or by email to  

We may have a few upcoming openings on our numerous Boards and Commissions at this time.  We do maintain a listing of interested persons so when an opening does occur, we may attempt to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.  If interested, please send a letter of interest or resume to West Mead Township,...

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