Legal Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of West Mead Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, intends to consider and enact an ordinance, of which this is a summary, to grant Armstrong Utilities, Inc. a cable television franchise for use of the public rights of way, at its regular meeting to be held at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the West Mead Township building located at 1150 Morgan Village Road, West Mead Township. The title of the ordinance is: An Ordinance to Authorize the Grant of a Cable Television Franchise to Armstrong Utilities, Inc. for Use of the Public Rights-of-Way for Cable Television and Related Services in West mead Township And To Approve The Cable Franchise Agreement Setting Forth the Terms Governing This Grant. Section 1 grants Armstrong a non-exclusive right or franchise to use the public rights of way in West Mead Township for installation, operation and maintenance of a cable television system to serve residents of the Township. Section 2 sets forth the purpose. Section 3 confirms the franchise is not exclusive to Armstrong. Section 4 approves the agreement which sets forth the terms of the franchise. Section 5 reserves the Township’s police powers. Section 6 severs sections found invalid. Section 7 repeals inconsistent ordinances. Section 8 makes the ordinance effective in 5 days. The full text of the ordinance is available for inspection at the West Mead Township building during normal business hours and online at and at the office of the newspaper in which this notice is published. All persons are invited to attend and be heard.
Cable Franchise Agreement Ordinance 2024-1 can be found here.